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Flat roof owners in Tucson often ask us the question, “Can we do roof coating during winter?” The answer is, “Yes, with care.” Tucson roof coating companies all know that roofs can be cool coated during the Arizona winter months but some specific hurdles must be overcome. Some of those hurdles come as issues with the low temperatures, issues with the dew points, and issues with the specific materials being used. If you are considering having your roof coated by a local roof coating company during winter, here are some points to talk about with the roofers.
Rubberized roof coatings often dry slower in colder weather and need to be dried before the temperatures drop too much in the winter evenings. Tucson winter temperatures range from mid-30’s to mid-60’s most of the winter, but the sun still beats down on the roof tops. It is not ideal to coat a roof when the temperature is lower than 45 degrees. Luckily, most Tucson winter days get much warmer than 45 degrees. A roof can still be coated in colder weather as long as the temperatures are rising above 45 degrees and there is direct sunlight for at least two hours on the roof after it is coated. There is an exception, and that is if a winter-grade coating is being applied. Tucson Rubberized produces a coating that dries much faster than the typical summer coating. It costs a little more, but most local roofers know that if it dries faster under those circumstances the cost is irrelative.
Moisture is the enemy of roof coatings! If you have ever seen a roof with many round blisters in the coating after it is dry that is because the roof had moisture on it when it was coated. When interviewing a roofing company near you, ask them about moisture. And if in the winter, ask them about the dew. When the air is dry dew is not prominent on roofs in Tucson. However, when just a little moisture is in the air during winter months most mornings there will be dew on the roof. This dew often turns into ice or frost if the temperatures are near freezing. This dew can often take hours to get off your roof. In the winter, it is very common for roof coating contractors to start coating roofs after lunch because that is when the roof is dry. Again, winter dew points do not stop roof coating in the winter as long as the roofer understands when it is ok to coat and when it is not. When it is wet/damp/moist – don’t coat!
The specific roof coating that is used on your roof matters! Not all roof coatings are the same. Many roof coating contractors use cheap coatings so they can make more money off of their clients and these cheaper coatings do not last as long. It is always best to use the top roof coatings because they have more solids and better elastomers and will repel water for much longer. Those better coatings are also better for the winter months, especially the better coatings that have “quick dry” or “winter grade” applications. Tucson Rubberized 7000 has a “quick dry” equivalent that dries in 45 minutes to one hour at 60 degrees. It dries even faster if it is in direct sunlight! Such coatings ensure that they dry before cooler night temperatures settle down. Using coatings that are meant to dry quicker is always a good choice during Tucson winters.
We at Desert Sky Roofing will coat your roof the right way. We always pay attention to the temperatures, the dew points, and during winter months we always use Tucson Rubberized 7000 quick dry elastomeric coating. We will take our time and not cut corners and coat the roof right the first time. It may take us a bit longer during the winter months, but we can still get the job done and protect your biggest investment – your home! Give us a call today and we can give you a free inspection of your flat coated roof!